After heading west from Nevada into California, I spent a couple days exploring Death Valley.
Zabriskie Point and Sunset
Zabriskie Point overlooks eroded sedimentary formations on the west side of the park. From there I drove to a dispersed campsite off of the main road for the evening and enjoyed a truly bananas sunset. I’d never seen clouds this red!!
Sunrise on the Sand Dunes
The next morning, I drove over to the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes and hiked in to catch the sun rising over them. Hiking in sand sucks. The view did not!
Mosaic Canyon Trail
I spent the rest of the morning hiking the Mosaic Canyon trail. Cool rocks! I appreciated that someone arranged rocks into arrows on the ground to help keep folks on the path.
Badwater Basin
That afternoon, I went to Badwater Basin which is the lowest point in the United States! Unbelievably hot, even in springtime
Next up: Joshua Tree!
I have no idea where this happened but I somehow cracked one of my phone’s camera lenses (: