Welcome to Vegas…after dark (;


Vegas – a monument to sin. What happens there, stays there. What debauchery could I possibly get myself into?

…I spent 2 hours looking for a buffet, ate too much, went back to the hotel and fell asleep. At 10:30.


The Strip

Walking down the strip evoked a lot of the same feelings as being in Times Square. The fountain show at the Bellagio Hotel was really cool though!

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Rate My Plate(s)

The Cosmopolitan buffet was the goal – and after getting there and wandering around lost for a time, it turns out it was closed. So I went to Bacchanal at Caesar’s Palace and paid too much. But it didn’t matter at that point, I was too hungry to care.

The food was excellent! Except the brisket, that was legit the worst brisket I’ve ever had lmao

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