From Big Sur I headed to the Bay Area and Sacramento, where I spent some time seeing friends and exploring. I also flew to Denver for a weekend! After a busy mid-April I got back on the road and made my way to Yosemite.
Sidenote: I learned a hard lesson about low light photography here, and didn’t realize it until much later, hence some murky pictures in this one haha whoops
A Cloudy First Day
The weather was overcast, with plenty of fog and rain rolling in as the afternoon went on. Despite that, I was kind of losing my mind the whole time with how beautiful the valley was!!
Round 2, with sun this time
The forecast called for a clear morning so I decided to go back the next day and catch the sunrise this time. I did not expect the overlook to be full of photographers! Many with very fancy equipment that made me feel like a silly guy lol
I’m writing this post more than a year later and I still think about this sunrise often.
Afterwards I meandered around the walking paths to see the waterfalls up close. The mist caught the sun and created a rainbow from certain angles!
I should’ve spent even longer at Yosemite, there are some excellent trails that I didn’t get to hike. Guess I gotta go back soon oh darn
Next up: Crater Lake National Park!
The night before Yosemite, I headed down to a campsite at the foot of a small mountain and next to a rushing river. Here’s a picture of me as I set up camp wearing a goofy bug net because there were SO MANY MOSQUITOS
I ended up leaving the campsite later that night because it was completely empty and extremely spooky (: